It is nice to put on a moving sale before you relocate because you can get rid of everything you don’t want to take with you. The sale will help you earn a bit of money from your items and will make it easier for you to part with some of the furniture pieces and things you won’t want to move. When you decide to put on a moving sale, you need to do it right, so you will sell a lot of your things and have everything go smoothly.
Advertise what you have for sale.
You want to attract as many people as you can to the moving sale so you will quickly get rid of your things, and you can invite them by advertising what you have for sale. Put an advertisement in the paper and online. List the main items you are selling, such as your electronics, furniture, or yard equipment, and also list a few of the other things you think might attract attention. Let customers know that you want to sell it all, so they will come and make an offer on the items.

Put a low price tag on your things.
It is better to get rid of your stuff and make some money from it. You don’t want to try to sell it for too much and not have any luck at the sale. Put a reasonable price tag on all of your things and be willing to negotiate if someone wants to pay a bit less. Also, if someone wants to buy several pieces of furniture or any of your items and asks if they can have a discount, give it to them so you can quickly get them sold.
Keep everything organized.
Put all of the things you want to sell in your garage. Keep everything organized so you won’t accidentally sell something you want to keep or not put a big item out there that you want to sell. Also, keep the garage organized, so shoppers will easily find what they want to buy. Keep track of the time and, when you are about ready to close down the sale, start giving away some of the remaining items so you won’t close with a mess.

Choose the right day for the sale.
People are more willing to shop on weekends than during the week, and if you can have your moving sale on the weekend, then you will get more traffic. Also, think about the holidays and which weekend would be best for it. You will get all of the people to come and check out what you are selling when you have the sale on the right day. You also need to be careful to put the date in all of your advertisements. Also, put signs out by the road on the day of the sale so you will get many customers.
Use the proceeds to pay for your move.
If you’ve had a successful yard sale, you’ll have pared down the contents of your home and you’ll have some extra money in your pocket. With the extra cash, you can help cover the costs of moving – like renting a moving truck, buying packing supplies, or perhaps, splurging by hiring a moving company. If you choose the latter option, your move will cost less now that you’ve purged because it will take the movers less time to pack, load the moving truck, and unload all the stuff at your new home. Talk about a win-win!